100 Property Investment Tips: Learn from the experts and accelerate your success

100 Property Investment Tips: Learn from the experts and accelerate your success

Matematika tolong jawab ya kk dikumpul siang ​

tolong jawab ya kk dikumpul siang ​

✍✍ ᑕᗩᖇᗩ ᑭEᑎGEᖇᒍᗩᗩᑎ ✍✍

[tex]\boxed{\colorbox{hotpink}{\bf{\red{ {Answer \: by : \: \boxed{ \colorbox{purple}{ \bf{ \green{Saputri \: { \pink{Canzzz \: }}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]

[tex]Rata \: - \: rata \: ulangan \: 4 \: kali \\ \frac{10 \: + \: 8 \: + \: 9 \: + \: 6}{4} \: = \frac{33}{4} \: = 8,25 \\ Jika \: ingin \: mendapatkan\:nilai\:rata \: - \: rata \:8,5 \: di \:ulangan\: ke \: - \: 5 \: maka, \\ \frac{33 \: + \: x}{5} \: = \: 8,5 \\ 33 \: + \: x \: = \: 42,5 \\ x \: = \: 42,5 \: - \: 33\\ x \: = \: 9,5 \\ \\ Maka, \: nilai \: ulangan \: ke \: - \: 5, \: Dewi\: harus \: mendapatkan \: nilai \: Sebesar \: 9,5[/tex]

[tex]\Large \colorbox{black}{\color{black}{\boxed{\pink{\bf{Belajar\:bersama\:Kakak\:Saputri}}}}}[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{\colorbox{black}{\bf{\blue{ {Dipercaya \: Perawan \: Muda \: Kayak \: Aku \: UwU}}}}}[/tex]




[tex]{ \mathcal\color{hotpink}{{ \pink{ \underline{ \blue{ \underline {\mathcal\color{ff2589} {Bot{\tt\color{ff0961}{RajaIsrael23}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]



